Cren Siblis - Slave Planet

She’s a human slave on an alien planet about to be bred to produce more.

What’s a girl to do? Run! Run now and kill anything in her way.

Cren Siblis is one of the many worlds within the broader Trigellian Universe and is the primary market for slavers across the entire Milky Way.

For centuries, humans were secretly kidnapped from Earth by slaver tribes and smuggler families. They were taken to Cren Siblis and sold at auction in the vast slave markets.

The slave market for humans became small over the years because the new masters found that humans were notoriously pesky, irritable and hard to train.

To have a subservient human slave, you needed to train them very hard from birth or they would just be impossible to control later.

This short story describes one girl’s journey to gain freedom… at any cost.

Buying this story right now, ensures you will join with her on her journey to freedom.

Buy now or she’ll already be gone if you look for her later.